Sunday, April 15, 2012

Habit #7


  1. this habbit help you to have a balance in the live

  2. make your life more interesting. you will be a healthy person because you protect all your areas in the life

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. habit 7 help you to have a healthy life and a good balance in all your dimensions

  5. the 7 habit is important because we always have to rest but be good with ourselves.

  6. this habit help to take a good decisions in your life and have a balanced and good life

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. We should dedicate time to each one of these dimensions. If you keep a balance, you will enjoy of a great life

  9. This habit is all about have a balance in your life in the four dimensions, that to have healthy life. Also is about have my time to do the things that I like, so you have to take a "time-out".

  10. you need to renew everyday yourself and try to be a good person and live your life like a last day also is so important have these 4 dimensions because is the base of our life and try to found a balance in the life.

  11. The best thing for everyone is to renew and strengthen each of the key dimensions in our lives... Renewed every day is common for any person who always make mistakes, which always learn our lessons... What helps us analyze what we do see ourselves, to change the defective and maintain a balance in our lives.. :)

  12. Everybody needs to have me-time! And I Think That *This is one of my favorite habits because it's about relax and have time for yourself! that makes it the greatest habit!

  13. I think this articles help us to grow up! already have another point of view about life, and what we can accomplish if we do things correctly, also teach us to never give up and work for what we want without having to rely on others.(:

  14. I think this habit help to give us that we must balance our lives, take time out. To have a good life =)

  15. I think that is really important to have balanace in our lifes!!!

  16. we must have a balance in all our lives in every way to be healthy and have a good mental health.

  17. We need a balance in our lives in all the way that. You can imagine

  18. renew yourself means that you have to take a time only for you and you have to do the thiks you like... like your hobbies

  19. I agree with Carlos, because you need to grew up in differents areas in your life, well, i don´t like to eat good food or nutritious food, but I do so that is good, just like every morning I get up and talk to God who gives me peace of mind. Do it please, God can help you.!

  20. You need to take care of you, your health is the most important thing !
