Thursday, May 3, 2012

Movie-Step Up 3


  1. Hi guys! Well in my opinion, I really think that the movie is so pretty, the msg of it is that if you want to get something, only try, but do it with your soul and your heart, but this movie has one thing with which I desagree, the boy neglect his study and his friend. Well, but in the end he understood that her friend is a great person, and he tries to join her dance team, despite everything that happened. In this movie you can see many habits, i really like this movie is so good.

  2. In my opinion this movie is good, the principal message of the movie is that if you want to get something you need to try and try to accomplish, in the movie the boy try and try to as low as that in the end could meet its goal,I say that if in this life you do not try and try again can not succeed in life...!!! :0) bye guys..!!! xD

  3. I think the movie is about how to be proactive and positive in life and that anything is possible if you really want. I think the most important thing is how you can accomplish your goals as a person who has the habits present in the life

  4. In my opinion this movie is about try to do the things that you like to do but not forget the others things like the family, friends, and study! Also this movie explain some habits like work in groups,and have a balance in your life doing things that you like.

  5. The main reason to see step up 3 is for the teaching about team work. It’s a clear example of synergize, and how you don’t have to leave your dreams when something is getting worse.

  6. "Step Up 3D" is a great movie with a good message. In my opinion, the message of this movie teach us that we have to strive in the things we love to do and enjoy them. Also to appreciate the people around us and order our priorities.

  7. this movie is a great example of team work

  8. I Like this movie! great dancers, great soundtrack, great message. The movie is all about working in team and having time for yourself and i think thats grat...B FABB (Born from a Boombox) LOL
